Saturday, May 30, 2020

60 Big Achievement Ideas and Expressions To Boost Your Resume

60 Big Achievement Ideas and Expressions To Boost Your Resume 456 As a salute to Israel’s 60th birthday, here are 60 kinds of key achievements that you might not be emphasizing enough on your CV or resume. Photo by Flazingo Photos Why is this list so important? To do a great job selling yourself, a resume needs to convince readers that you have the skills needed for their job and the abilities to do it successfully. By highlighting notable accomplishments using action verbs, you create a proven track record to eliminate all doubt. Free bonus: The One Resume Resource You’ll Ever Need is a handy reference to make your resume get you more job interviews. Download it free now evaleval Measurable achievements examples for your inspiration You successfully… Managed company/department annual/quarterly budget of X (large) amount Stayed under budget for X quarters/years Were promoted Were promoted after only X months in the role Directed a team/group/organization (something difficult to manage) Managed a project spanning X countries/continents/employees Placed employees at X companies Trained X new employees Built a new team/division (not just hiring, also managing the workflow) for the company Redesigned and implemented more effective company procedures which e.g. decreased time-to-market by X amount/% Met deadlines consistently Reined in rollercoaster project X Supervised large/complex project in attaining goal X Grew customer base by X amount/% Grew donor base by X amount/% Multiplied donations by X amount/% Cut costs by X amount/% within Y amount of time Launched X new websites/products/campaigns Increased portfolio earnings by X amount/% Integrated an extremely complex system for the company United multiple teams post-merger Finished sales quota X amount of time early Reduced client/reader attrition by X amount/% Met X national/global/industry standard within Y amount of time Streamlined team/department operations Improved ties with country/industry association/union Boosted earnings by X amount/% Implemented a service level agreement Won X number of cases (for a lawyer) Published X articles/white papers/reports/books Received X award/designation Won X award/competition for Y consecutive years Attained X certification Finished in the top X percentile of your class/course Reached X objective(s) every quarter for Y quarters in a row Reached X objective(s) faster than competitor (internal/external) Discovered X new drugs/species/trends Coined well-known buzzword or industry term Created X program/course/methodology Founded X company/non-profit/association/club Solved X disputes (for a negotiator) Resolved X internal conflicts Hold world/Olympic record Climbed X number of mountains Coached X teams to trophy/championship/1st place in league Received score of X (high) on known customer satisfaction survey/poll Received score of X (high) on standardized testing/exam First person to achieve X (or led first team to achieve X) internally/externally Something you created won an award/was a bestseller/fan favorite Voted best/most something by association/club/group Featured in website/magazine/newspaper/book Held a perfect attendance record Introduced company products to X new markets Audited X number of clients in only Y amount of time Piloted X program with a Y % participant completion rate Advanced (non-profit) organization policy Fixed X amount / % of bugs in company software/open-source project Presented at well-known conference/seminar/workshop Did something that was viewed/used by many people Achieved/Surpassed company/team goal of doing X by Y amount / % Notes Be prepared to explain how you achieved your results, how an award was decided, etc. For example, numbers in particular give more credibility to your statements but only use them if you can explain how they were measured.eval Using this list of accomplishments ideas should help you avoid making ambiguous statements where trust is required but not easily acquired, such as in a job interview. How to use this list Bookmark this article for when you’re updating your resume and need more career or resume achievement examples. Copy the list into a smart resume builder or resume-writing software such as Microsoft Word. Delete all the lines that don’t apply to your experience. Elaborate on the lines you do keep. Many of the expressions should be followed with a “by…” or “using…”. Free Bonus If you want a handy resume and CV resource that you can keep on your smartphone or print out for easy reference, this special bonus is for you. This free download contains: 111 Smart Resume Section Headings and Titles 60 Resume Achievement Writing Ideas and Expressions 500 Positive Resume Action Verbs That Get Job Interviews 35 Resume Filenames Recruiters Won’t Respond To Click the image below to get access to The One Resume Resource You’ll Ever Need: JobMob Insiders can get this free bonus and other exclusive content in the JobMob Insider Bonuses area. Join now, it's free!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Template For Writing Objectives For Resume

Template For Writing Objectives For ResumeA template for writing objectives for resume can be a great idea for resume writer to use. A template will help you as you write the document, and it is easy to read and concise. There are many templates available online for you to check out if you have a preference.The objective is one of the most important sections to include in a resume because it is the first thing that is read by an employer. With a template, you have a starting point from which to write. This allows you to understand how to start writing the objective and gives you a list of general ideas that you can work with.The focus section is a vital part of your resume because it is the section of the document that actually states what you do for a living. By including this section, you show the potential employer that you have done your research and know what you are looking for. Your resume should have a summary of skills and responsibilities that you have, as well as contact i nformation. By including this section, you are making yourself more attractive to a prospective employer.You can also include relevant experience as part of the objective. You can include relevant experience that can add value to your potential employer. This is good to include as it shows that you have put thought into your resume.Make sure to include your affiliation with professional associations such as your trade, college or trade school. You may be asked about where you learned the information for your objectives. This is very important to include on your resume, because it shows that you are knowledgeable.Education details are another important section to include. You should mention any college or university that you have attended and include if you completed your degree or certificate. Education details should be mentioned regardless of the educational background. If you received a high school diploma, a trade degree or even a certificate in a trade, then include this inform ation as well.Qualifications should be outlined clearly, but make sure to note the specifics. For example, when discussing previous jobs and job titles, provide a number, a name of the company or department that they were employed in and if the position was in a position within the organization. This is a great way to make your CV more specific.In addition to this, you should also mention professional references. Many people leave their professional references off their resume when they are not completely sure about having them included. This is a mistake because they do have a life outside of work. They may have children or may be in a relationship outside of work, which may influence their abilities as a job candidate.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Who is Challenging your Thinking - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Who is Challenging your Thinking - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career If you dont have someone regularly challenging your thinking my recommendation is to get someone to fill that role … today. It could be a friend, a peer or a mentor. Or, as you’ll see below it could be someone you have never met and will never meet. I’m sure you are finding that your boss, your customers, and your partners will regularly Challenge Your Thinking. What Im suggesting here is you have somebody outside of that network of contacts to challenge your thinking too. I have a few suggestions below to help. Including Informational Interviews. Mentors fill this role well A lot of people dont think they have mentors. And, in the classic traditional sense they might be right. But, people that have friends that Challenge Their Thinking on a regular basis could be considered mentors. Appreciate them for what they provide for you. Often times at no cost to you. Except sometimes to become completely exasperated with their non-stop questions. Build on that! Ask them for more. Ask them to Challenge Your Thinking What does Challenge Your Thinking mean? It means everything from just asking you to vet your assumptions to as deep-of-a-dive as you want. It’s better to go deep with a friendly audience that is willing to allow you to flounder a bit. It can be everything from asking for how you came up with an idea and where you expect it to end up. It can be a series of tough questions about where you got your data and how you’ll prove your assumptions. It can be dependent upon how much time you want to put into it and how much ideational energy you want to put into it. Brutal Honesty Someone challenging your thinking can really put you to the test. They can push you and your thinking processes to verify that your ideas hold water. Ask for and expect … Brutal Honesty. Brutal honesty is tough love. But it’s worth it. These two words came from  a friend, peer and mentor in my early days  at Microsoft. And he meant it. And, he would expect it in return. He would expect me to challenge his thinking too. Brutal Honesty is a two way street. Challenging Your Thinking in the Real World There are options available to you today that allow you to Challenge Your Thinking indirectly using online options, social networking and even interview loops. Online, On-the-Phone and In-Person Options Interview Loops â€" I can tell you from personal experience that Amazon does an amazing job asking tough questions that get you thinking. Amazon has a data driven culture and if you cannot quantify your thinking … you are sunk. Even if you aren’t looking aggressively for your next role it’s worth it to evaluate some roles that look interesting. Use them as Informational Interviews to Challenge Your Thinking. Quora, Medium and Reddit â€" All of these tools serve a slightly different, but somewhat overlapping purpose. You can ask questions, you can research ideas and answers, and you can submit your own thoughts. Use them to Challenge Your Thinking. Use The Socials â€" Yes, you can use the social networking tools like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Your mileage WILL vary. So, take everything with a grain of salt and consider the source. However, for some ideas you want to vet and  sanity check  The Socials can be a great way to Challenge Your Thinking. Nota Bene: Validate anything you find. Like everything there are no guarantees that the information you find is vetted for accuracy. This includes your original thinking too. Why do any of this? In some cases it’s a thought experiment. Just to prove out your thinking and to allow someone else to poke holes in your ideas. Other times you really want to sanity check an idea. Having a group of friends no matter where they happen to be in the world is a great way to Challenge Your Thinking. Sometimes these CYT sessions can turn into collaborative projects where you might want to pool your resources to create something. Other times you may discover that your idea needs some work. And, of course, as you find your groove and you get your trusted advisors on board to regularly Challenge Your Thinking you may just launch the next great product that takes the market by storm. It’s a two way street. Don’t always assume people want you to be their  Brutally Candid and  CYT sound board. But, make the offer. As you get better at Challenge Your Thinking scenarios you will likely find your skills to be in demand and that your truly Stand Out in Your Career. Who is Challenging your Thinking? What are your best examples of Challenge Thinking?

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Get pregnant at 25 if you want a high-powered career

Get pregnant at 25 if you want a high-powered career Every once in a while a high-profile woman will divulge the dirty underbelly of trying to be a woman in the work world. I remember the first time I saw it. It was when Brenda Barnes stepped down from a huge career at Pepsi to be with her kids. And she announced that she felt like a bad parent spending so much time away from them. Thereby implying that the other moms with huge jobs like hers were also ignoring their kids. This week, there is another ground-breaking example of a woman stepping down from a very high place: Anne-Marie Slaughter (pictured above). She is a dean at Princeton and she was director of policy planning in the State Department. She wrote a breathtaking article in the Atlantic titled, Why Women Still Cant Have it All,  about stepping down from her State Department job to take care of her two teenaged boys. She says, in the article, that she is taking much better care of them when she is not away from them. This shouldnt be groundbreaking to say. But after twenty years of deafening feminist diatribe it is actually controversial to say that a mom is a better mom if she is home with her kids. So that in itself makes the Atlantic article worth reading. Heres another thing Slaughter does that I love. She takes down Sheryl Sandberg for telling other women to be like her and spend their days working insane hours for startups. I have written before about how ludicrous is is for Sandberg to think shes a role model for women when there is a huge amount of research to say that women who have kids want part-time jobs. Sandberg assumes that women want high-powered jobs like hers and dont have those jobs because there are no role models. Slaughter sets the record straight: women dont want high powered jobs because they want to be home with their kids. Its ridiculous that its controversial to say that most women want to parent differently than most men. Its ridiculous because there is scientific basis for this and a social basis for this and the women who argue against it are always women who do not have school-aged kids and a high powered job. So you know what? If you are going to argue in the comments section that women can have a high-powered job and school aged kids, please qualify yourself with the age of your kids and the number of hours you work per week. Heres how many hours I worked at my startup when I had young kids: 80. And my investors thought I was part-timewhich I was, compared to how many hours other startup founders work. Im just putting a number out there so you can have a benchmark for what high-pressure, high-powered jobs demand. Slaughter traveled almost nonstop for her job. And so do most people at that level. So I loved Slaughters article. And I loved that women are coming forward to say that it is literally impossible to have a high-powered career while you have young kids, if you want to be involved in your kids lives. The best thing older women can do for younger women right now is to tell the truth. Its hard to tell the truth because if you are trying to do the high-powered job and the kids, you will kill your career by admitting that its impossible. But heres the truth for women: You should not plan your life so that you work until youre 30 and then have kids, and also have a huge career. Because you will be taking care of kids during the very time when all the men you worked with are working harder and longer hours than ever before. Men who have kids are in a great position to climb the ladder. They have wives at home. Women cannot go full speed ahead until the kids are grown up. Slaughter has great evidence for this. But you should be able just to look around and see that this truth. My favorite example: All the male Supreme Court Justices have families. Two of the three women do not. And the one who does, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, did not start her career until her kids were grown. Slaughter lays out a great plan. Its tucked into the article, among a lot of other calls to action. But she says, if you want to have a huge career, have kids when you are 25 so your kids will be grown when you are 45, because there will still be time to have a huge career. Of all the ideas for having a big career and being a mom, this is the best one out there. Young women should use what weve learned so far and do things better than the generations that have come earlier. Its too late for Generation Y since most of them have past the age when they would need to be finding a guy to marry. But theres hope for the women of Generation Z. Women from age 20 to 25 should focus on finding a guy to marry, and then build your career slowly, while you have kids. Which is what other generations didthey just started having kids five or ten years later. This also means women will need to start dating men who are older than they are. This also seems like a good idea. Men, of course, love younger women. But more than that, women who are in their twenties are in their prime in terms of self-confidence. They are physically very desirable, and they are doing better at work than men. Men, on the other hand, are at their nadir of self-confidence in their twenties. They are not making money, which is something that is very valuable on the dating scene. And they are not doing as well as women at work. Men look way better in their 30s when the women have left the workplace and the men have a more solid grip on their earning power. So men and women dating in their 20s is a lot like girls and boys slow dancing when their are 12. The girls are so much farther along developmentally that its absurd. So look. Heres my first post directed solely at Generation Z women: Spend the years from age 20-25 focused on getting married. There is no evidence that doing well in school during that period of your life will get you worthwhile benefits. There is no evidence that waiting longer than 25 makes a better marriage. And there is not evidence that women who do a great job early in their career can bank on that later in their career. There is evidence, though, that women who focus on marriage have better marriages.  There is evidence that women who have kids earlier have healthier kids,  and there is evidence, now, that women who have grown children by age 45 do better at getting to the top in the workforce than all other women with kids.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Writing an Effective Rsum Requires the Author to Select Their Laying Out Verbs

Writing an Effective Rsum Requires the Author to Select Their Laying Out VerbsIt is a fact that writing an effective Rsum requires the author to select their wording effectively. The reader needs to be able to identify with your Rsum, and in this respect a good way to get started is to make a list of the elements you need to keep in mind as you write. I hope you find the following suggestions useful as you begin your writing.Firstly, the best words to use will depend on the event in question, but it will generally be the main points that matter most, and these can be listed in any order. Some writers like to structure their Rsum according to different points, for example, different types of alcoholic drinks. Other writers have more complex plans, and they will be able to fit in plenty of material based on the topic of the article. You should try to build up this style of article as you go along, as it will become easier to create the Rsum and the paragraphs as you go along.Secondly, you need to be able to answer your reader's questions as you write your Rsum. This is what I mean by using your language effectively. Without answering your reader's questions they will tend to lose interest, and in the case of readers who are struggling with their health, this can make the article difficult to read.Thirdly, making the most of your writing opportunities is essential if you want to write an effective Rsum. There is plenty of material out there on the internet for you to use, and much of it will help you increase your credibility as a writer, and help to increase your overall word count. Be sure to incorporate any links you find as well as reusing links where possible, as this can help you to reduce your time and effort spent searching for new content.Fourthly, you need to select your wording carefully. This is important as you will need to select some phrasing and sub-paragraphs which can highlight the relevance of your subject. However, a common mistake is to overus e the keywords, as many people do.Fifthly, there are many ways to improve your writing ability if you want to write an effective Rsum. These include the use of appropriate punctuation, ensuring that the correct key words are used, ensuring that the information is presented correctly, and ensuring that the material you are providing is relevant to the reader.Sixthly, you need to select your Rsum carefully. For example, should you write a sequence of paragraphs, or a series of articles? These will affect the length of the text, and you will also need to decide if you want to use pictures, diagrams or videos to illustrate your articles.Seventhly, you need to ensure that your article is engaging and interesting. For example, if you wanted to find out about the history of the cat, you could write a short article about how a cat got its name, or how it became a symbol of the beauty of the house and garden.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Snowed out - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Snowed out - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog I was supposed to give a speech at LEGOs corporate center today on better meetings but the snowfall in Denmark has been so heavy, that almost no one showed up for work there. So they decided to postpone the event and that gave me time to do some other chores, like autographing about 100 copies of my 3rd book as well as writing Christmas cards to partners, friends and customers. Between the snow outside, the cards, our photoshoot yesterday and the Christmas music playing here at the office Im rapidly approaching some real holiday cheer :o) PS: Right now our office sound system is playing the Christmastime album by Danish vocal group Basix. Awesome. Check them out (song starts at 2:00): Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Friday, May 8, 2020

Keeping your job search organized - Sterling Career Concepts

Keeping your job search organized Keeping your job search organized How do you keep track of your information during a job search? Post-it notes and loose pieces of paper? Excel spreadsheet? And my next question how happy are you with your organizational method? The spiral notebook with the best of intentions of capturing every fact and phone number often ends up stuffed with random scraps of paper or confusing, scribbled notes.The spreadsheet that is initially well laid out ends up losing functionality or worse yet, becomes corrupt or is lost in a computer crash. Names of recruiters and hiring managers, phone numbers, email addresses, company names, addresses, websites, dates, interview notes and follow up, titles, job leads. there is quite a bit to track in even the simplest of job searches. Thats where Jibber Jobber comes in. Its an online personal relationship management program for you to manage and organizeyour job search informationby contact name, company, and job. And the best part? The site offers a free basic account that will either meet your needs or wet your appetite for the premium services. But all ofmy contacts are already entered in LinkedIn. Whats the difference? Theres a big difference. Jibber Jobber is a complimentary resource tosocial networking sites. LinkedIn and Facebook allow you to connect with people. Jibber Jobber gives you the tools to track, notate, and follow-up those networking efforts. Not convinced yet? Therestools, including maps,an expense tracker, and a job journal, andreports, including job posting activity, open action items, and current activity (to identify who you havent connected with recently.) Lastly, one of my favorite things about Jibber Jobber is that itconceptuallyencourages you to continue staying in touch with your contacts even once your current search winds down. The ABCs of networking Always Be Connecting are often overlooked by professionals relieved to haveaccepteda new position. JibberJobber is structured for continued networking through all phases of your career. Thats both smart andstrategic.